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[电源管理]不了解不间断电源 (UPS) ?这篇文章带你一览UPS设计要项!

【导读】不间断电源 (UPS) 和其他基于电池的储能系统可以确保住宅、电信设施、数据中心、工业设备、医疗设备和其他关键设备的持续供电。凭借先进的半导体技术,这些系统能够确保可靠供电,提供滤波功能,并在发生短期电网断电时保障供电。对于更长时间的停电,这些系统可以提供足够的时间让关键设备安全地关闭。 以下设计诀窍可帮助您设计 UPS 或其他电池储能系统,以利用电池和半导体技术的不断进步,应对越来越多的新兴用例。 了解具体用例 我们通常根据输出功率对 UPS 系统进行分类,因为这是确定所需规模的有效方式。输出功率低于 10


【导读】功率晶闸管广泛应用于AC/DC变换器,UPS旁路等场合。本文通过公式计算和在线IPOSIM仿真两种方式,对晶闸管在UPS旁路应用中的损耗计算和结温预估进行说明,给广大工程师在晶闸管选型时提供帮助。晶闸管在AC/DC整流应用中的损耗计算,请参考微信文章《PIM模块中整流桥的损耗计算》。 晶闸管是半控型电力电子器件,可通过门极在晶闸管承受正向阳极电压时,控制晶闸管导通,当主回路电压(或电流)减小到接近于零时,晶闸管自行关断。晶闸管一般处于工频开关工作,所以在计算其损耗时,忽略开关损耗,只计算其导通损耗。 公式计算方法

[传感技术]Is it Profitable to Invest in Web3 Startups Right Now? That Depends on Whether Your Investment Meets

As the markets face turbulence, investor perception over Web3 investments tends to be lukewarm, with most becoming skeptical about their ability to weather the crisis. In the case of Bitcoin, for example, some thought it was doing well as it reached an all-time high while the crypto market, in general, shrank from $3 trillion in November 2021 to $1 trillion as we begin the second half of 2022.However, Bitcoin eventually joined the unfortunate downward market movement

[传感技术]Ankur Capital Launches Day Zero, Pre-Seed Funding Platform For Early-Stage Startups

Ankur Capital, a tech-focused VC, has announced the launch of a pre-Seed funding platform called Day Zero for early-stage startups. The Day Zero platform will be sector-agnostics and will primarily focus on sectors like agriculture, health, SMB SaaS, fintech, logistics, mobility, construction, livelihood and everything in between. Day Zero is built in such a way that it will help startups cover everything, that is from initiation to scale for the entrepreneurs. A

[传感技术]MSMEs And Startups Can Use 5G Test Bed For Free Of Cost

The ministry of communications, announced the government's decision to offer the indigenous 5G test bed set up for experimenting and demonstrating the applications and use cases of 5G products in the country, to use free of cost to the government-recognized MSMEs and startups for the next six months, till January 2023. The test bed was launched by Prime Minister in May this year for startups, MSMEs and other small players.

[传感技术]How tech-driven startups are disrupting the pre-owned car market

When 30-year-old Vishal Gupta de-cided to buy an SUV, he went in for a pre-owned one instead of a new one. "I always wished to have an SUV. But when I started scouting for the one, I found it had a waiting period of 13 months. I had no issues with ownig a pre-owned one. Luckily, I got the one at a great price," says Gupta. Vishal is one of the many youngsters who don't mind preferring a pre-owned car to a new one.

[传感技术]中国铁塔启动2022-2023年UPS产品(1-3KVA)集采 预估数量4万台

C114讯 8月23日消息(南山)中国铁塔官方消息显示,近期中国铁塔2022-2023年UPS产品(1-3KVA)集中招标项目已经启动。本项目采购1KVA、2KVA、3KVA三类UPS产品,预估数量分别为4000台、8000台、28000台,总计4万台。中标候选人为3个,分别是50%、30%、20%。本项目报价仅需报出基准型号产品UPS(3KVA,单相/单相,48V)的不含税单价(元/台),非基准型号产品单价根据基准型号产品单价乘以价格关联系数后保留2位小数计算得出。中国铁塔后续发布招标变更公告。(1)将送样时

[传感技术]Government To Promote 10,000 Startups Under GENESIS Programme

Alkesh Kumar Sharma, Secretary, ministry of electronics and IT, on Tuesday said that the government is looking to promote more than 10,000 startups in the next 5 to 6 years, under the GENESIS programme. Pexels While responding to a question about possible funding winter that could lead to shortage of fund or startups, Sharma said that, "Funding is not an issue. We are moving to level next where Ge

[传感技术]全球第一张,授予Galaxy PX UPS系列!

  全球首张!  2022年9月15日,施耐德电气即将上市的新一代模块化Galaxy PX系列不间断电源(UPS)产品,获得由国际知名检验、检测和认证机构德国莱茵TüV集团签发的全球首张Live Swap Quality -Mark认证证书。  该证书的颁发是对施家UPS产品的可靠运行能力和安全标准处于全球领先水平的权威认可。德国莱茵TüV集团全球电力电子产品服务副总裁兼大中华区太阳能与商业产品服务总经理李卫春(左)和施耐德电气关键电源业务部三相UPS研发总监徐康(右)  UPS Li

[传感技术]台达UPS系统助力Greenergy Data Centers打造波罗的海最具规模的数据中心

  随着5G、AIoT的趋势,网络流量大幅增加,数据中心新建或改造之需求也日益提高。Greenergy Data Centers采用台达不间断电源(UPS)系统,在爱沙尼亚的首都塔林打造了一座崭新的大型数据中心。这座数据中心属于三海倡议(Three Seas Initiative, 3SI)的一部分,由3SI投资基金资助,为该地区最大也是首座现代节能的数据中心。3SI于2015年由亚德里亚海、波罗的海及黑海的外围国家发起,旨在追求运输、能源及数字基础设施的联合公共政策目标,提升该地区12个欧盟成员国之间的连

[传感技术]EU AI Act should ‘exclude general purpose artificial intelligence’ – industry groups

Ten European software industry associations have called on the EU to scrap plans to include the regulation of general purpose AI including natural language processing and chatbots in its new AI Act, describing it as a “fundamental departure fro




  深圳市英威腾电源有限公司,在由北京电子学会、中国计算机用户协会、中国绿色数据中心推进联盟、《数据中心建设+》杂志社共同举办“2022第十八届数据中心基础设施技术峰会暨用户满意度调查结果揭晓大会”活动中脱颖而出,在行业各企业代表、专家学者和相关专业人士的见证下,英威腾电源荣获“2021年度UPS十强品牌企业奖”。“UPS十强品牌企业”奖杯与荣誉证书  此次盛会以“探索元宇宙 赋能新未来”为主题,围绕探讨元宇宙发展技术,技术应用、元宇宙技术对数据中心行业的影响,数