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[传感技术]Fiscal year 2021: SICK AG achieves positive overall balance and sets a number of records

Orders received, sales, EBIT and Group result (among others) higher than ever before // Positive net financial posit

[传感技术]Generational change in SICK AG’s Executive and Supervisory Boards

Waldkirch – After twenty years as Chairman of the Executive Board, Dr. Robert Bauer will leave SICK AG on 30 Septem

[传感技术]Nordsense: Redefining IoT Waste Management

According to the World Bank Group, the world generates 2.01 billion tons of municipal solid waste annually. Traditional?waste management?is highly inefficient, and 80% of waste is collected at the wrong time. Late waste collections lead to:Overflowing binsUnsanitary environmentsCitizen complaintsIllegal dumpingIncreased cleaning and collection costsEarly waste collections result in unnecessary carbon emissions and increased traffic congestion and opera

[传感技术]How 5G, IOT And AI Can Contribute Towards Optimizing the EV-logistics Sector in India

The Indian logistics industry has traditionally been a fragmented one with a lot of inefficiencies. The cost of logistics in India today amounts to approximately 15 per cent of the nation's GDP, as compared with developed countries where it's around 7-8 per cent of their respective GDPs. This is certainly a significant drain on the economy and negatively impacts sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing, as most Indian companies have had limited visib

[传感技术]Passwords Aren’t Going Anywhere… Except into Hackers’ Hands

Illustration: ? IoT For All Verizon’s recent Data Breach Investigations Report underscores that stolen credentials remain one of hackers’ most preferred means of entry, with their usage involved in over 80 percent of web application attacks. Many in the security community are seizing on these fi

[传感技术]Protect Your Passwords with This Top-Rated Manager

The easiest way to make yourself vulnerable to a cyber attack is by having the same password for everything. Or by keeping your passwords all on the same note on your computer (or sticky note attached to your computer). Enpass It's not just the big guys that hackers are after. According to one late 2021 report, businesses with fewer than 100 employees were 350 percent more likely to become targets

[传感技术]Addressing Security & Creating Stronger Passwords in Healthcare

Illustration: ? IoT For All One of the many permanent effects of the pandemic has been the shift to telehealth, telemedicine, and other connected technologies. This rapid pivot to digital service delivery for traditionally in-person services has expanded the threat landscape for cybercriminals, ad


  中国台湾电子制造商富士康已经开始生产Lordstown Motors的电动皮卡车。彭博社首先报道了这一消息,这对两家公司来说都是一个里程碑。富士康正在从生产iPhone等消费电子产品向电动汽车多元化发展,而Lordstown则最终将其备受期待的Endurance卡车从生产线上卸下并将能送到客户手中。?  自从2020年通过SPAC合并上市以来,Lordstown一直在为生产而奋斗。去年夏天,该公司发布了一个越来越令人担忧的警告,即它可能没有足够的资金将其电动车推向市场,但被一家投资公司拯救了出来,该公司同意在三年内购买价值4亿美元

[传感技术]Vishay推出薄型PowerPAK 600V EF系列快速体二极管MOSFET,其RDS(ON)*Qg FOM创业界新低

日前,Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.宣布,推出采用薄型PowerPAK??10 x 12封装的新型第四代600 V EF系列快速体二极管MOSFET---SiHK045N60EF。Vishay Siliconix n沟道 SiHK045N60EF导通电阻比前代器件降低29 %,为通信、工业和计算应用提供高效、高功率密度解决方案,同时栅极电荷下降60 %,从而使器件导通电阻与栅极电荷乘积,即功率转换应用中600 V MOSFET的重要优值系数(FOM)创业界新低。本文引用地址:http://www.eepw.com.cn/article/202210/438992.htmVishay提供丰富的MOSFET技术以支持各级功率转换,涵盖高压输

[传感技术]海伯森3D线光谱共焦传感器斩获2022 Innovators Awards创新产品银奖

 10月12日,由《Vision Systems Design》举办的第二届2022 Innovators Awards在上海圆满举办,海伯森3D线光谱共焦传感器成功斩获创新产品银奖。此次颁奖典礼由海伯森苏州分公司业务负责人王新安代表公司上台领奖,并发表获奖感言:“作为国产高端传感器创新型企业,海伯森始终以建设一流的高端智能传感器品牌为愿景,深耕工业传感技术创新,为工业智造赋能,让世界看到国产高端传感技术的实力。未来,我们仍将紧密融入市场需求当中,锐意创新,为客户伙伴提供更为智能高效、可靠易用的高质量

[传感技术]RDS 统一资源调度系统:全厂调控,智慧调度


[传感技术]Vishay推出薄型PowerPAK? 600 V EF系列快速体二极管MOSFET,其RDS(ON)*Qg FOM创业界新低

宾夕法尼亚、MALVERN?—?2022年10月12日?— 日前,Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.(NYSE 股市代号:VSH)宣布,推出采用薄型PowerPAK??10 x 12封装的新型第四代600 V EF系列快速体二极管MOSFET---SiHK045N60EF。Vishay Siliconix n沟道 SiHK045N60EF导通电阻比前代器件降低29 %,为通信、工业和计算应用提供高效、高功率密度解决方案,同时栅极电荷下降60 %,从而使器件导通电阻与栅极电荷乘积,即功率转换应用中600 V MOSFET的重要优值系数(FOM)创业界新低。?Vish

[传感技术][图]Satechi推适用于MacBook Pro的Eco-HardShell保护套

这款保护套的模具精准,预留了所有端口,带有通风槽和防滑垫,可将 MacBook 牢固地固定在表面上。防滑握脚将 MacBook Pro 从表面略微抬起,这有助于确保热量散发并与通风槽配合使用。这款保护套适用于 14 和 16 英寸的 2021 年款 MacBook Pro 型号,目前已经在 Satechi 官网上市发售,零售价为 44.99 美元,在 10 月 21 日前使用 MAC20 代码可以享受八折优惠。

[传感技术]IoT Buzzwords 101: What They Mean, and Why You Need to Know

As mobile technologies develop and Internet of Things (IoT) deployments soar, new IoT connectivity terminology is appearing at a dizzying rate. For manufacturers and small- or medium-sized providers, understanding these IoT connectivity buzzwords is essential for success.The technologies you choose today are vital to the longevity of your IoT solutions. Selecting the wrong one based on misunderstanding could bring your applications — and your market opport

[传感技术]体验这些新功能,带你打开 RDS 的新世界!




[传感技术]柯马在意大利米兰荣获2022年度“CHINA AWARDS”奖项

  柯马在“2022 China Awards”中荣获最佳投资者奖。该奖项由意中基金会和意大利媒体集团Class Editori联合主办,中国意大利商会协办,意中商会赞助。“China Awards”活动已成功举办了十七届,每年都会向在中国和意大利市场成功投资和国际化运营而获得认可的意大利和中国公司颁发重要奖项。  柯马凭借为吉利汽车在其宁波威睿工厂开发和部署的自动化电驱动装配线而获此奖项。交付的生产线采用柔性化自动生产系统来完成永磁电机转子、减速器和电驱系统的装配,并配置了自

[互连技术]盛思锐加入Connectivity Standards Alliance,塑造物联网智连未来

【导读】智能传感器解决方案的领先供应商盛思锐现已加入美国Connectivity Standards Alliance(CSA)——全球物联网(IoT)连接标准制定联盟,致力于为客户提供可靠实用的物联网解决方案。Connectivity Standards Alliance(CSA)以开发推动物联网行业发展的尖端标准而闻名,“Matter”是其最新的智能家居连接标准。Matter旨在简化和增强智能家居连接,为智能家居设备创建统一和标准化的方法,以实现与不同生态系统或品牌的智能家居设备间的无缝互联与协同工作。这种互操作性不仅可以有效减少开发成本,促进创新,还可以为消费者带来更为方

[传感技术]Choosing IoT LTE Standards: Cat 1 and Cat 1bis Vs. NB-IoT and LTE-M

Illustration: ? IoT For All Choosing LTE StandardsWhen you’re designing a cellular IoT product, you must plan for connectivity from the very start. Immediately, you’re faced with a tough choice: choosing LTE standards. Which 4G LTE (or 5G NR) standard should you design for? The answer will d

[传感技术]Risks & Rewards of Digital Transformation in the Retail Sector

Illustration: ? IoT For All The retail industry is in a state of flux. With the rise of e-commerce, traditional brick-and-mortar stores have faced the challenge of adapting or being left behind. Digital transformation has become an essential part of any modern business strategy, and the retail sec