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[传感技术]How to Become a Successful Faceless Virtual Star

As VTubers rise in popularity, so do the number of VTubers looking to make a name for themselves. A VTuber is defined as someone who has created their own online channel and uses it to upload videos that people worldwide can watch. They often use a virtual avatar as their identity, hence the name VTubers. Many VTubers, such as Kaguya Luna and Mori Calliope, have become successful without ever revealing their true identity or location. These faceless creators make mil

[传感技术]Diving Deep into Consumer-Focused Technologies Based on Personal Experiences

The demand for an excellent customer experience is increasing as new technologies emerge. Nowadays, it's not enough to have an outstanding piece of software that works seamlessly without a hiccup. Today, if a business wants to stand out, it must also have a personalized, data-driven, and customer-focused approach. So, let's dive deep into consumer-focused technologies based on personal experiences:Happiness and comfort as markers of a great customer experienc


7月29日,国际知名行业评价机构KHL集团发布2022年“全球高空作业机械租赁50强排行榜”(以下简称「Access50」),远东宏信旗下设备综合运营服务商上海宏信建设发展有限公司(以下简称「宏信建发」)再创新高,较去年排名上升1位,强势晋级Access50 全球前三。“一切都是顺理成章!”相较于过去两年对宏信建发发展速度连续表达“令人吃惊”的观点后,在2022年Access 50 的官方新闻稿中,KHL对宏信建发首入前三的成绩认为是水到渠成、理所应当。Access50表示,宏信建发的排名跃升,表明了中国租

[传感技术]预告!2022CESIC 展商风采一览

由大比特资讯主办,汇聚2000+上下游合作商,吸引了近百家展商参会,邀请20+专家现场探讨的2022中国电子热点解决方案创新峰会(简称2022CESIS)将于9月29日正式举办!此次会议主题为「新电源 智能域 赋能“芯”生态」,聚焦当下八大热门主题板块,聚焦新能源汽车、光储充、5G基站、智慧灯杆、智能家居、智能照明、智能快充等热门应用领域。本次峰会特邀多位业内专家与优质企业为我们带来多样化的电子热点解决方案,致力于打通上下游产业链的无缝对接,促进前沿技术交流学习,在世界态势的不断发展变化下,寻找中国电子技

[传感技术]预告!2022CESIS 展商风采一览

由大比特资讯主办,汇聚2000+上下游合作商,吸引了近百家展商参会,邀请20+专家现场探讨的2022中国电子热点解决方案创新峰会(简称2022CESIS)将于9月29日正式举办!此次会议主题为「新电源 智能域 赋能“芯”生态」,聚焦当下八大热门主题板块,聚焦新能源汽车、光储充、5G基站、智慧灯杆、智能家居、智能照明、智能快充等热门应用领域。本次峰会特邀多位业内专家与优质企业为我们带来多样化的电子热点解决方案,致力于打通上下游产业链的无缝对接,促进前沿技术交流学习,在世界态势的不断发展变化下,寻找中国电子技

[传感技术]2022CESIS预告 多家展商齐聚峰会切磋交流

七月流火,八月未央,距离9月29日举办的2022中国电子热点解决方案创新峰会(简称2022CESIS)又迈近一步。此次2022CESIS围绕「新电源 智能域 赋能“芯”生态」展开,聚焦当下热门的新能源汽车、光储充、5G基站、智慧灯杆、智能家居、智能照明、智能快充等应用领域,共设“新能源汽车BMS与超充技术”、“光储充技术”、“智能快充与Type-C技术”、“AIoT与智能家居技术”、“5G基站电源与智慧灯杆技术”、“AIoT&智能照明与大功率驱动技术”、“第三代半导体技术”、“便携式锂电BMS技术”这八大主题板块。国际形势

[传感技术]SICK AG announces change to the Executive Board

Dr. Martin Kr?mer to relinquish his position on the Executive Board and leave SICK. Nicole Kurek to join Executive B

[传感技术]Enhancing IIoT competences: SICK takes over MOBILISIS

Waldkirch (Germany) / Vara?din (Croatia)SICK takes over Croatian IT company MOBILISIS in its entirety on 01.01.2022.

[传感技术]How IoT-Enabled Telematics Devices Protect Assets and Improve Visibility for the Shipping Industry

Since the onset of the pandemic, the global shipping industry has been under the microscope. However, it’s been even more exhaustive with China’s COVID-19 countermeasures in the first half of 2022, which included lockdowns in Shanghai.A city of 26 million, Shanghai is home to the world’s largest container port. It receives approximately 2,000 ships a day and 40 million containers per month.While the port avoided coming to a complete halt, extreme del

[传感技术]How This Startup Became Academia's Trusted Source Of Wearable Devices' Health Biomarkers

While the trend toward amplified wellness has been developing for some time now, the widespread implications of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have brought consumers' personal health straight into the spotlight of public consciousness. For some, this has meant adopting a strict workout regimen, while others have taken on new habits like wearing smartwatches and fitness trackers to keep an eye on important health criteria, including heart rate, blood oxygen level,

[传感技术]How Healthy Are the IoT Devices of Healthcare?

Illustration: ? IoT For All The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an integral component of everyday life – whether we know (and like) it or not. Most industries have adopted IoT technologies thanks to the many benefits they provide for enterprises and consumers. Healthcare is no exception, wit

[传感技术]The Benefits of IoT for Human Resources

Illustration: ? IoT For All Traditionally, human resources personnel closely monitor employees through survey feedback or integrated monitoring software. However, these methods don’t provide accurate data and objective assessments, leading to decreased employee engagement and miscommunication. To

[传感技术]大咖云集 2022CESIS嘉宾预告来啦!

  AIoT行业发展瞬息万变,智能家居市场一片蓝海。如何借助AIoT技术, 更好地助力智能家居发展,让设备能交流、可协作、会思考,逐渐成为行业关注焦点。?  伴随居民生活水平提高以及消费观念的升级,如今,以智能门锁、安防监控、智能音箱、智能厨电、智能照明等为代表的智能家居逐渐走进全球千家万户,迎来全面爆发之势。据Statista数据和亿欧智库的整理测算,2017年智能家居的市场规模为2500亿元,预计2022年达到4354亿元,2025年将突破8000亿元,年复合增长率高达15.8%,未来将会是一个万亿规模的市场。新时代下



[传感技术]Moving Offices? It's Easy with PC Transfer Kit.

Businesses move. These days, when more people are working from home , people are moving offices all the time. And while there are many things to consider when relocating an office, few are as important as making sure your computer systems are secure and fully operational when you get to the new place. StackCommerce Believe it or not, that's easier said than done. But with the PC Transfer Kit Bundl

[传感技术]Merak Ventures Announces Its Launch With $100 Million Fund

Merak Ventures, a sector-agnostic, early-stage venture capital (VC) firm, announced its launch today, with a target corpus of $100 million. The fund aims to invest in 18 to 20 startups over the next three to four years. Company handout Merak will invest in Seed-stage B2B and emerging technologies companies creating sustainable business models and utilizing new technologies to help solve real problems



[传感技术]速览!2022CESIS’ AIoT全屋智能运用领域解决方案

2022年9月29日,哔哥哔特资讯主办的2022’中国电子热点解决方案创新峰会(简称:2022CESIS)将于深圳深铁皇冠假日酒店5楼宴会厅正式举办。现场将汇聚2000+上下游合作商,另有40+方案供应商轮番演讲,20+专家现场探讨,共涵盖8个年度热点话题,并携手100+展商解锁热点应用。此次2022CESIS围绕「新电源 智能域 赋能“芯”生态」展开,聚焦当下热门的新能源汽车、光储充、5G基站、智慧灯杆、智能家居、智能照明、智能快充等应用领域,设有A、B、C、D四大厅进行8大主题板块的研讨。本篇文章将为您介绍B厅详细议程:上午—

[传感技术]速览!2022CESIS' AIoT全屋智能运用领域解决方案

【哔哥哔特导读】2022年9月29日,2022’中国电子热点解决方案创新峰会B厅将为全屋智能提供传感器解决方案,尽请期待~本文引用地址:http://www.eepw.com.cn/article/202209/438001.htm2022年9月29日,哔哥哔特资讯主办的2022’中国电子热点解决方案创新峰会(简称:2022CESIS)将于深圳深铁皇冠假日酒店5楼宴会厅正式举办。现场将汇聚2000+上下游合作商,另有40+方案供应商轮番演讲,20+专家现场探讨,共涵盖8个年度热点话题,并携手100+展商解锁热点应用。此次2022CESIS围绕「新电源 智能域 赋能“芯”生态」展开,聚

[传感技术]Protect Resources and Assets with IoT-Enabled Remote Monitoring

When people think of remote monitoring, cameras are likely the first things that come to mind. However, other security and monitoring aspects can reduce operating costs.?As water scarcity increases, government and private buildings have begun to benchmark and evaluate baseline water as a priority. For effective monitoring, information must be readily available and gathered (e.g., 12 to 24 months of water bills).??To determine the facility’s major water